support plan | currency | monthly est. pricing | yearly est. pricing |
Developer | XXX | 0 | 0 |
Business | XXX | 0 | 0 |
Enterprise On-Ramp | XXX | 0 | 0 |
Enterprise | XXX | 0 | 0 |
All paid AWS Support plans are billed monthly, with no long-term contracts. AWS Support fees are calculated on a per-account basis for Business and Developer Support plans. For Enterprise On-Ramp and Enterprise Support, you are billed based on the aggregate monthly AWS charges for all your account IDs subscribed to Enterprise On-Ramp or Enterprise Support.
Monthly fees for the Developer, Business, Enterprise On-Ramp, and Enterprise Support plans are calculated based on each month's gross AWS charges (before any discounts or credits are applied). Charges for certain AWS Services, including the following, are not included in the AWS Support fee calculation: AWS Support, AWS Elemental Support, AWS Elemental Media Event Management, AWS Managed Services, AWS Marketplace, AWS Professional Services, AWS Training and Certifications, and Amazon EKS Anywhere. Charges for Amazon Mechanical Turk, Amazon Mechanical Turk Worker Rewards, FreeRTOS, and VMware Cloud on AWS are also not included in the AWS Support fee calculation.